More of a what we can use Revit for…

More of a what we can use Revit for…

Revit can be used in a very limited fashion to leverage CAD drawings.
·         Link the CAD file in (Verifying the origins line up) to the current view only, and origin to origin.
·         Use Room separation lines (at the centerline of the CAD walls) to set the limits of the room.
·         Furniture will then schedule according to the rooms.
·         Color keyed schedules can be quickly created and labeled.
·         For more accurate square footages, use generic wall types to approximate wall thicknesses.

Visibility and graphics 101 checklist for missing objects-
Start with the light bulb tool in the lower-left hand corner of the 'Drawing area' in the rightmost side of the 'View Control Bar'- click it and it will show all hidden objects loaded in the drawing. To restore an element's category- select it, right click it and unhide category. And remember NEVER use the hide element, override graphics for element! It is a slippery slope quickly leading to inconsistent drawings and inconsistent visibility across views!

Visibility & Graphics 102 – View templates and object settings
Many of our graphics for plans, sections, elevations, finish and furniture plans are already refined by the object styles in the DOD template. The graphic detail levels (which automatically correspond with certain scales), line weights and cut weights have been set and associated with view templates to keep the graphics readable and consistent from view to view.

Visibility and graphics 201 manual checklist for missing objects
In visibility/graphics- verify the object's category is visible, verify no filters are hiding the object, and the object is within the view's View Range (Cut, Bottom and items 'beyond' in the view depth). If working with Worksets make sure the workset is visible in the view and loaded and no filters are interfering with the visibility of the workset.

Worksets 101- Speeding up Revit

When working with large worksets in Revit, there are several ways to get Revit moving faster. One way is to limit the number of worksets that are loaded by either unloading worksets or limiting worksets when opening the file. By loading some, rather than all of the worksets, Revit has less overhead and runs/saves a little faster.

Worksets 102- or "Hey- where did my objects go?"
If you have missing objects from a view Don't Panic! Start with the light bulb tool in the lower-left hand corner of the 'Drawing area' in the rightmost side of the 'View Control Bar'- click it and it will show all hidden objects for visible/loaded worksets.

If you still don't see what you are looking for- the workset may be unloaded.

Make sure the workset is on, visible in the view and loaded. To load/unload a workset- use the collaboration tab and Worksets - select the respective workset and OPEN.

Worksets 103- Filters and worksets
Work set's graphics can be controlled with Filters. If you have all objects on a particular workset, i.e. equipment or consultant drawings, filters can be used to half-tone or highlight in red the entire workset-


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