Creating unit plans from a central file to share

Tests converting unit groups to links as a test to see if critical dimensions and annotations remain intact. Noted also that when the attached detail group is saved- the link came in with the annotations automatically showing VIA linked view for that instance. Mirroring or copying that group did not copy the linked view. Mirroring and turning on the linked view did show linked view content and annotations. This will be problematic for "Tops and Lefts" for dimensioning for mirrored units as elements will be 5/8" off potentially in the flip to face of structre.

Sample group to link-
  • Create model text
  • Add a instance mark
  • Create group (With attached detail)
  • Write it out as a link replacing the group
  • Undo
  • Change the text in the group  (GUID remains intact)
  • Convert to LINK replacing the group
  • Link in both files
  • Swap
ID remains intact on swap of links:

GUIDs in both files are identical - don't know how far this would go or load but handles (GUIDs) Should be forever unless destroyed- opens up possibility for units as groups to share among multiple buildings.

So elements can be written out from the same source group.

If we BIND group- with attached details

Ungroup and write out then swap instance property remains intact
Moving references around in the file also seems to transfer file relationships:
There is no guarantee this wouldn't break with more elements.
However one instance of a link could be 
  • Purge existing conflicting group names
  • Bound in (UNIT 1A)
  • Renames (UNIT 1A1) 
  • edited VIA the group in location
  • converted out to a new link with GUIDs in tact.

Note this would not bring in OPTIONS in the group and any options seem to displace content:
Shared coordinates will likely fail if the levels are moved - i.e. if a unit on second floor is LINKED in and the floor level changes - the shared coordinates still absolute - leading to the same issue of the units being displaced.

Noted though- if the link in section aligns the unit floor with the associated level, the unit DOES track with the level! (Unlike groups which in part leave elements behind.)

Trade off is the elements cannot be joined to the floor above like groups for different height units (I.e. Podium level) 

Using model lines attached to face of finish or temporarily mapping the PRE-Construction phase to the current phase would allow for alignment to the Face of finish to the partition walls and create relationships.  Model lines would be better.

Phase mapping causes conflicts for existing to current which eventually incorrectly resolves in groups - i.e. previous phases end up on current phase regardless of demolition.

Phase filter has no effect on import - appear to export correctly:

Phase mapping in the CAD export may be employed to suffix wall layers as appendix...


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