Update 2020 Revit Cache file (BAT file)

 @echo off

@echo 2021-06-02v01.00 :: Hard-coded revit ini file to the 'builder' locaton for the Revit ini (cached locaiton) :: This script should move the esisting one to a dated RECORD\yyyy-mm-dd folder and copy the :: NNEW Revit ini file in it place. set RevitINI="\\ktgyir-a-cad\BIM\_Deployments\Autodesk\REVIT\2020\Revit-KTGY.ini" @echo - Checks If file/folder exists for 2020 Ktgy-Revit.ini if that doesn't exist exit :::Visual file check will show 0 files if doesn't exist: :::dir "%revitINI%" :::pause ::If the Revit ini file doesn't exist - exit out - good if source cannot be found if not exist %RevitINI% goto :ExitNoFile @echo. @echo FOUND: %RevitINI% @echo Proceeding... @echo. ::Working Revit INI Backup folder - Tpical of revit (Version # varies) ::Make the record folder for the Revit.ini cached version- set RecordFP=c:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RVT 2020\UserDataCache\RECORD if not exist "%RecordFP%" mkdir "%RecordFP%" ::Set the target bakup folder based on the date and push response to NUL for quiet if exists set RecordFP=c:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RVT 2020\UserDataCache\RECORD\%date:/=% ::Make the dated folder if not exists @echo "%RecordFP%" if not exist "%RecordFP%" mkdir "%RecordFP%" ::MOVE The old INI file to the record copy folder @echo move... Move /y "c:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RVT 2020\UserDataCache\Revit.ini" "%RecordFP%\Revit.ini" ::Uncomment nect line to open the folder by default ::explorer "%RecordFP%\" ::Copy from corp update to the cache location(s) @echo copy... copy %RevitINI% "c:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RVT 2020\UserDataCache\Revit.ini" @echo User data cache update complete. @echo.............................. @echo Success updating Cached file. @echo. @echo Moving old REvit INI to RECORD folder ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::USER INI FILE: ::C:\Users\ron.allen\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\Revit\Autodesk Revit 2020\Revit.ini :::NOTE: ::This may create an issue as the %userprofile% needs to be run as the user not PDQSVC ::: set RevitINI=%UserProfile%\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\Revit\Autodesk Revit 2020\Revit.ini ::Check the User INI file exists- if not exit before we do anything. if not exist %RevitINI% goto :ExitNoFile ::Setup for record folder - NOTE one folder "up" as reset wipes entire folder! set RecordFPusr=%UserProfile%\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\Revit\RECORD ::Make the Record folder if not exist "%RecordFPusr%" mkdir "%RecordFPusr%" ::Setup for record folder - NOTE one folder "up" as REVIT's reset wipes entire folder! set RecordFPusr=%UserProfile%\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\Revit\RECORD\R2020 ::Make the Record folder if not exist "%RecordFPusr%" mkdir "%RecordFPusr%" ::Setup the dated folder set RecordFPusr=%UserProfile%\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\Revit\RECORD\R2020\%date:/=% ::Make the dated folder if not exist "%RecordFPusr%" mkdir "%RecordFPusr%" ::Move the Revit ini Move "%RevitINI%" "%RecordFPusr%\Revit.INI" ::explorer %RecordFPusr% ::Skip error section and cleanup if needed Goto Cleanup :ExitNoFile @echo FAILED::: Revit INI not found - please make sure the @echo %RevitINI% @echo exists and you are connected to VPN or the server for source file copies. :Cleanup ::net use A: /delete /Y pause


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