AGA Cad's framing add-in- looks like it might be good for modular construction as well... I have a request in for price points and hopefully a trial : ) Framing Timber Walls in Revit® Model | Wood Framing Wall+ | AGACAD TOOLS4BIM : 'via Blog this'
Add text fields- this VBA searches through the objects in the first frame until it finds " " in the text some where, truncates everything from and to the right and replaces it with an active countdown timer or current time in the box. Refreshes every 500ms with a prtsafe call so it doesn't bog down the CPU. Add a slide advance to start the next slide and begin automated slide advancement. Attribute VB_Name = "Countdown" Private Declare PtrSafe Function WaitMessage Lib "user32" () As Long Public Sub Wait ( Seconds As Double ) ''non cpu-intensive wait timer '' Dim endtime As Double endtime = DateTime.Timer + Seconds Do WaitMessage DoEvents Loop While DateTime.Timer < endtime End Sub Sub Countdown_from_Start () Dim Time As Date Dim Count As ...
Note to self: Add additional (duplicate) gross area and net area schemed under Area Plans And Area schemes... Really counter-intuitive place to put this instead of say... Area Plans> New Type> Edit Type (ADD) or Create an area plan, then Go to Properties, Edit Type and Duplicate... Always seem to forget this one! 2015-10-16-And for the calculation type... To update: this also applies to Revit as well as LT- The gross calculations cannot be overridden, however the 'rentable' comes in various flavors... From AD Revit help: Applies to Revit LT 2015 Rules are determined by one type of space bordering another space. The following table shows area measurement rules. To find the appropriate measurement rule, find the selected Area Type and the corresponding Bordering Area Type. Gross Building Area Scheme Types Gross Building Area Scheme Types Area Type Selected Bordering Area Type Measurement Rule Gross Building Area Gross Buil...
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