
Showing posts from December, 2018

The jump in Autodesk profits

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Linkein deep state, "blind as a bot" / Blind as a bot... You either get it or you are blind or a bot or have special wealth interests. Trump is trying to spread the wealth by cutting taxes on corporations that closed it's American doors to operate overseas in tax shelters... Really? I agree with the national movement to bring industrialization back to the US, but the austerity and speed of these tariffs is happing to fast hitting out industry, Farmers and so much more. No more exemptions, no more exceptions, open books on everyone and financing made public knowledge. Limit salaries to a corporation limited to 500m to 1b each, and salaries limited to 40% of a non exempt mean calculation. No tricky math. Rule of law, like refusing to see and revuew appointees by Obama's to the Supreme Court? Kudos to the Republicans for outmanuvering the Democrats, but if everyone is privatized like roads, water, infrastructure... Only the oligarchy will survive until the American people wake...

SAGE 5D Cost estimating with Revit Take Sage Estimating for a spin Get in the driver's seat with this step-by-step guided tour of Sage Estimating. You’ll experience the ease of use of this powerful and flexible solution first hand. See what Sage Estimating can do for you See how you'll bid faster and more cost-effectively with Sage Estimating construction cost estimator. It's easy. Simply answer a series of questions about your current processes and the estimator will project the time and money you'll save per bid, job, and year. Discover 5 things you need to consider while evaluating Sage Estimating Read the Sage Construction and Real Estate software selection guide to find useful tips for researching software, as well as information on Sage Estimating pricing, services provided by Sage resellers, along with training and support available to Sage customers. Accelerate your estimating process with eTakeoff Dimension Sage Construction and...