
Showing posts from May, 2020

Creating unit plans from a central file to share

Tests converting unit groups to links as a test to see if critical dimensions and annotations remain intact. Noted also that when the attached detail group is saved- the link came in with the annotations automatically showing VIA linked view for that instance. Mirroring or copying that group did not copy the linked view. Mirroring and turning on the linked view did show linked view content and annotations. This will be problematic for "Tops and Lefts" for dimensioning for mirrored units as elements will be 5/8" off potentially in the flip to face of structre. Sample group to link- Create model text Add a instance mark Create group (With attached detail) Write it out as a link replacing the group Undo Change the text in the group  (GUID remains intact) Convert to LINK replacing the group Link in both files Swap ID remains intact on swap of links: GUIDs in both files are identical - don't know how far this would go or load but handle...

Revit 2019 and up tab colorizer

PYRevit works to tip the tabs tops with a color but not the whole tab so it is not as obvious as I would like but definitely better than nothing! Py revit version is free and available here: Parallax has an independent Addin as well: $75 Seat or $1500/site license annual. There may be some customization in the API available hereabouts : )