Excel VBA using Evaluate() function to turn calling cell to RGB found in target cell
This function sets the CURRENT cell value to an RGB based on the target cell- Uses REGEX 5.5 [ ✓ ]Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5 Function SetCellColor ( X As Range ) As String Dim re As New RegExp Dim MC As MatchCollection Dim SM As SubMatches Dim RGB As String Dim AC As Range ''What cell is calling: ''https://www.mrexcel.com/board/threads/function-determining-what-cell-it-is-being-called-from.51343/ Set AC = X.Parent.Cells ( Excel.Application.Caller.Row , Excel.Application.Caller.Column ) re.Pattern = ( "(\d{3}).?(\d{3}).?(\d{3})" ) If re.Test ( X.Value ) Then Set MC = re.Execute ( X.Value ) Set SM = MC.Item ( 0 ). SubMatches RGB = SM ( 0 ) & ", " & SM ( 1 ) & ", " & SM ( 2 ) RGB = "SetRGB(" & AC.Address ( False , False ) & ", " & RGB ...