
Showing posts from June, 2021

Update 2020 Revit Cache file (BAT file)

  @ echo off @ echo 2021-06-02v01.00 :: Hard-coded revit ini file to the 'builder' locaton for the Revit ini (cached locaiton) :: This script should move the esisting one to a dated RECORD\yyyy-mm-dd folder and copy the :: NNEW Revit ini file in it place. set RevitINI = "\\ktgyir-a-cad\BIM\_Deployments\Autodesk\REVIT\2020\Revit-KTGY.ini" @ echo - Checks If file/folder exists for 2020 Ktgy-Revit.ini if that doesn't exist exit :::Visual file check will show 0 files if doesn't exist: :::dir "%revitINI%" :::pause ::If the Revit ini file doesn't exist - exit out - good if source cannot be found if not exist %RevitINI% goto :ExitNoFile @ echo . @ echo FOUND: %RevitINI% @ echo Proceeding... @ echo . ::Working Revit INI Backup folder - Tpical of revit (Version # varies) ::Make the record folder for the Revit.ini cached version- set RecordFP = c:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RVT 2020\UserDataCache\RECORD if not exist " %RecordFP% " mkdir ...

Replace Revit 2020 INI %USERPROFILE% with user path VBS (Pairs with CMD Cache update file)

For custom User-profile extensions and locations for deployments: Turns %userprofile% into the expanded path for the local user profile (C:\users...)      Option Explicit ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''This program looks at the Revit INI and 'escapes' ''or replaces the %USERPROFILE% with the actual path under the executed profile ''Run-as the user to make the replacement in the path. ''Adapt this script to modify poritons of the INI using RegExp ''''''''''''''''''''''''''...