Create font sheets to ID symbols by number in Unicode
Excel generates grids with fonts and number blow to print from 10 to 65535- Attribute VB_Name = "FontSheets" Sub GenerateUnicode () Dim I As Long Dim Row As Integer Dim col As Integer Const ColWidth = 16 ''max columns Row = - 1 Sheet1.Range ( "A:P" ). ColumnWidth = 4.8 For I = 10 To Int ( "&HFFFD" ) If I Mod ColWidth = 0 Or I = 10 Then Row = Row + 2 ''next row every 15 characters col = 0 ''Font cells format SetCountFormat Sheet1.Range ( Cells ( Row + 1 , 1 ), Cells ( Row + 1 , ColWidth )) SetFontFormat Sheet1.Range ( Cells ( Row , 1 ), Cells ( Row , ColWidth )) End If col = I Mod ColWidth + 1 Sheet1.Cells ( Row , col ). Value = ChrW ( I ) ''Call to insert unicode character Sheet1.Cells ( Row + 1 , col ) = I ''respective numbe...