
Showing posts from August, 2021

Create font sheets to ID symbols by number in Unicode

  Excel generates grids with fonts and number blow to print from 10 to 65535- Attribute VB_Name = "FontSheets" Sub GenerateUnicode () Dim I As Long Dim Row As Integer Dim col As Integer Const ColWidth = 16 ''max columns Row = - 1 Sheet1.Range ( "A:P" ). ColumnWidth = 4.8 For I = 10 To Int ( "&HFFFD" ) If I Mod ColWidth = 0 Or I = 10 Then Row = Row + 2 ''next row every 15 characters col = 0 ''Font cells format SetCountFormat Sheet1.Range ( Cells ( Row + 1 , 1 ), Cells ( Row + 1 , ColWidth )) SetFontFormat Sheet1.Range ( Cells ( Row , 1 ), Cells ( Row , ColWidth )) End If col = I Mod ColWidth + 1 Sheet1.Cells ( Row , col ). Value = ChrW ( I ) ''Call to insert unicode character Sheet1.Cells ( Row + 1 , col ) = I ''respective numbe...

Notepad ++ Attempt at defining 'lanugage' for Revit Journals

In C:\Users\ [YourUserID] \AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\userDefineLangs.xml Is the notepad++ user defined language file format... <!--// Markdown-plus-plus is a project to support Markdown syntax in Notepad++. All UDLs are carefully designed by human, rather than generated by machine. Want an UDL for different theme? Want to change its preference? Want to create your own? Go get it: Please read the README file for details. Welcome issues and pull requests via the above link. Copyright (c) Edditoria. Open source under the MIT license: //--> <NotepadPlus> <UserLang name = "Markdown (preinstalled)" ext = "md markdown" udlVersion = "2.1" > <Settings> <Global caseIgnored = "yes" allowFoldOfComments = "no" foldCompact = "no" forcePureLC = "2" ...