
Showing posts from July, 2022

Named USer Switch for AutoDESK licenses from Flex to Named user

  @echo  off @echo . @Echo  temp map Z:  \\...common.accessible.location...\AutoCAD\ 2018-NU-Switch\ AdskLicensingSupportTool ::Temp map Z Net  use Z: \\...common.acessible.locaiton.\\Autodesk\AutoCAD\ 2018-NU-Switch\ AdskLicensingSupportTool /persistent:no @Echo  change dir to temporary z: z: :: https://knowledge.autodesk. com/customer-service/account- management/transition-to- named - user /update- named - user - license#admins ::Examples single license clear ::Autodesk AutoCAD 2018 001J1 ::AdskLicensingSupportTool.exe -r 001J1: USER     ::Autodesk AutoCAD Architecture 2018    185J1 ::AdskLicensingSupportTool.exe -r 185J1: USER cls @echo . @echo  Kill any open AutoCADs C:\Windows\System32\TASKKILL. exe  /IM "ACAD.exe" ::dir - Check folder populated ::Clear licensing for select AUTOCAD installs ::AdskLicensingSupportTool.exe -r 001J1,185J1 @echo . @echo  Clearing all licenses (May take up to 90 seconds): @echo ....