
Showing posts from March, 2014

Crucial Adrenaline Caching SSD Review | - Storage Reviews

Caching solutions to ADD to HDDs to increase performance Crucial Adrenaline Caching SSD Review | - Storage Reviews : 'via Blog this'

SanDisk ReadyCache Solid State Drive

Caching solutions to ADD to HDDs to increase performance SanDisk ReadyCache Solid State Drive : 'via Blog this'

OGLE: The OpenGLExtractor / Discussion / Applications:Google earth work

OGLE: The OpenGLExtractor / Discussion / Applications:Google earth work : 'via Blog this'

Export FROM Google Earth - Google Groups

I have GOT to try this!  Old thread- cool idea... Export FROM Google Earth - Google Groups : lewiswadsworth   13/10/2006 Actually, you can grab the buildings, along with the terrain that appears in Google Earth. It's a little tricky, but nothing requiring rocket science. This particular technique only works, as far as I know, with a PC, and you will need the applications GLIntercept and OGLE: download.html http://ogle.eyebeamresearch. org/download What you do with these programs is literally to intercept the OpenGL instructions to your video card from Google Earth, and then convert them to a standard mesh. Obviously, for this to work you have to have Google Earth running in OpenGL mode, not DirectX. Also, as noted in the OGLE instructions: "Some applications do not seem to want to function (i.e. they crash!) with GLIntercept if the real OpenGL32.dll is in the system location. If you are having wierd problems, try the following: 1. Copy the syt...

Chrome (Chromium) switches

List of Chromium Command Line Switches There are lots of command lines which can be used with the Google Chrome browser. Some change behavior of features, others are for debugging or experimenting. This page lists the available switches including their conditions and descriptions. Last automated update occurred on 2014-03-26. How to use a command line switch? The Chromium Team has a page with overviews on how to use these switches.

Need to pad a file or name (like Slide1) to have zero placeholders? Here is a quick REGEXP routine for VBA to PAD numbers in a string. Works in Excel and would work in a VBS as well.

Private Sub Test_Regexp_pad()    Debug.Print Regexp_pad("9")    Debug.Print Regexp_pad("12345")     End Sub Private Function Regexp_pad(strFP As String) As String 'vALUE As String, Optional Pad As Integer) 'As String   Dim r                                      '''As RegExp '''include "microsoft vbscript regular expressions 5.5" if debugging...   Set r = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")    '''Create Regexp      If Pad = 0 Then Pad = 4                    '''If pad not specified they get 4      r.Pattern = "(.*?)(\d+)(.)(.*)"                '''Items in () are returned in result set, objects without are dropped   r.IgnoreCase = True      Dim m         ...

Windows 7 local shortcuts "do you want to open this file" warning

Windows 7 local shortcuts "do you want to open this file" warning : 'via Blog this' Ok this has annoyed the ever-living daylights out of me for a while. I have my favorites as a quick-launch from the start menu (as they appear everywhere- it is a fast path location to my projects, files, etc.) But I would get this annoying message "These files may be harmful" every time I launched Chrome or anything else from there. So I found the above link and came up with this: ICACLS "C:\Users\%username%\favorites" /Setintegritylevel (OI)(CI) M Which resets the  discretionary  access control list for that folder/subfolder. Keep in mind this may be a place for viruses to hide or  malicious  shortcuts, but virus scanners take care of that for the most part (nothing is allowed to create any shortcuts, downloads, etc. without having to ask) So now to script right clicking my next project to add the shortcuts to where I want to go!