Improved Deltek "Keyed data" (eport report to CSV) to create folder structure
Option Explicit Const version = "v2015-02-25-01.0" ''Script takes a csv text based output report from Deltek and uses it to create folder structure on P. Const strFPt = "P:\" ''Target File PathDim FP Const vbqt = """" ''define VBQt for quotation mark ''Lots of globals on this one: Public strDataArr ''Readline of data from file Public strDiscID ''discipline ID Const RemapE = True ''Remap E will create the S/SZ folders if E is in the disciplines . Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8 '' ''FILE MANIPULATION OBJECTS AND REFERENCES'''''''''''''''''' Dim fso ''As New FileSystemObject for creating folders Dim objWSH ''As New WshShell for creating shortcuts Dim strKeyID() ''...