
Showing posts from July, 2017

Set Assembly Code file - Dynamo

Set Assembly Code file - Dynamo : # Default imports import clr clr . AddReference ( "RevitAPI" ) clr . AddReference ( "RevitNodes" ) from Autodesk . Revit . DB import * ################################# import Revit ################################# clr . ImportExtensions ( Revit . GeometryConversion ) ################################# clr . ImportExtensions ( Revit . Elements ) ################################# # Import DocumentManager and TransactionManager################################## clr . AddReference ( 'RevitServices' ) ################################# import RevitServices ################################# from RevitServices . Persistence import DocumentManager ######################### from RevitServices . Transactions import TransactionManager ##################### doc = DocumentManager ....

Python Script node for Notepad.exe. Possible? - Developers - Dynamo

Python Script node for Notepad.exe. Possible? - Developers - Dynamo : import clr clr . AddReference ( "RevitAPIUI" ) from Autodesk . Revit . UI import TaskDialog ##Import task dialog ##from datetime import datetime ##Formatting date time strings for files import time ##Time as in NOW or tiem string format functions import sys ##Validate thie is here and avaiable######### sys . path . append ( r'C:\Program Files (x86)\IronPython 2.7\Lib' ) import subprocess ##Launching asynchronus processess like notepad import os ##Operating system - CASE SENSITIVE msg = IN [ 0 ] ##DAta in 0 ##msgbox=TaskDialog ##Task Dialog astr = "" ##STR for formatting for i in msg : ##BIG MESSAGE LIST sst...

TOF Cameras

So I have been thinking for a while- if I had a motion picture or multiple pictures and a special light and a special FILM or CMOS to capture that light- I could measure the reflection of the special light to get an approximation of depth. Thinking about LIDAR and  fixed sensors - I realized this could be taken a step further- capturing the TOF (Time of flight) of light at different intervals using a MOSFET or similar super-fast action capture device. Apparently there are similar items on the web called TOF Cameras... Support | Basler : 'via Blog this'