Python Script node for Notepad.exe. Possible? - Developers - Dynamo

Python Script node for Notepad.exe. Possible? - Developers - Dynamo:

import clr clr.AddReference("RevitAPIUI") from Autodesk.Revit.UI import TaskDialog ##Import task dialog ##from datetime import datetime ##Formatting date time strings for files import time ##Time as in NOW or tiem string format functions import sys ##Validate thie is here and avaiable######### sys.path.append(r'C:\Program Files (x86)\IronPython 2.7\Lib') import subprocess ##Launching asynchronus processess like notepad import os ##Operating system - CASE SENSITIVE msg=IN[0] ##DAta in 0 ##msgbox=TaskDialog ##Task Dialog astr="" ##STR for formatting for i in msg: ##BIG MESSAGE LIST sstr="" ##SUB STRING for j in i: for k in j: sstr=sstr + str(k) + "\t" ##ADD TAB SEPARATORS sstr=sstr + "\n" ##ADD CARRIAGE RETURN to substring astr=astr + sstr + "\n" ##ADD substring to main and spacer carriage return ##Set file name using date-time in C:\TEMP#### fn="C:\\temp\\DynamoError-" + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dt%H%M%Z") + ".txt" f= open (fn, "w+") ##Open file wor Write f.write(astr) ##Write out ASTR subprocess.Popen('notepad {}'.format(fn)) ##Open the file in Notepad Asynchronously ##msgbox.Show("Message", astr ) ##Will show message dialog in revit - WARNING - Synchronus- script will have to wait. OUT=astr ##Pass formatted string out


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