
Showing posts from August, 2019

Cheap hack to find revit file version based on text in file

Exported from Notepad++ Attribute VB_Name = "REVIT_CHECK_FILE_VERSION" Option Explicit Const VBQT = """" Private Sub TEST_Revit_File_Version_From_File () ''Function Revit_File_Version_From_File(FN As String) As String Dim oDic As Dictionary ''dictionary of elements Set oDic = CreateObject ( "Scripting.Dictionary" ) ''Create the dictionary for scripting Dim Key '2018 works' Set oDic = Revit_File_Version_From_File ( "C:\_LIB\AUTODESK\REVIT\ootb_I(US)-2019\Annotations\Electrical\Abort Switch Annotation.rfa" ) '2018 works 'Set oDic = Revit_File_Version_From_File("C:\Users\ron.allen\Documents\REVIT\test-Finish Material.rfa") ''Set oDic = Revit_File_Version_From_File("C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RVT 2019\Family Templates\English_I\Annotations\Callout Head.rft") For Each Key In oDic.Keys D...

Excel Shape Repalce with X and Shape Delete All

Attribute VB_Name = "Excel_Shapes" Sub Shape_Replace_x() Dim wshp As Shape For Each wshp In ActiveSheet.Shapes If (wshp.Type = 13) Then wshp.Select wshp.AlternativeText = "X" If wshp.TopLeftCell.Cells(1, 1).Value = "" Then wshp.TopLeftCell = "x" wshp.Delete End If Next wshp End Sub Sub Shapes_Delete_all() For Each shp In ActiveSheet.Shapes shp.Delete Next shp End Sub

Install link or copy to SendTo folder VBS

main Sub Main() Dim answer answer = MsgBox("YES To copy target, NO to Create link, or cancel to stop.", vbYesNoCancel, "YES=Copy, No=Shortcut, Cancel=Cancel") If answer = 6 Then CopyToSendTo elseIf answer = 7 Then InstallShortcutSendTo else MsgBox "Nothing done - exiting" end if End Sub Sub CopyToSendTo() Dim WSH 'As WshShell Dim strSendTo ''send to file path Dim FSO 'As FileSystemObject Dim oFile ''As File 'fp = wscript.Arguments.Item(0) fp = "C:\Users\ron.allen\Documents\CODING\VBS\TempMapFolderDrive\TempMapThisFolderToX.vbs" Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set oFile = FSO.GetFile(fp) Set WSH = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") strSendTo = WSH.SpecialFolders("SendTo") oFile.Copy strSendTo & "\" & oFile.Name, True...

Temp map dropped folder to x VBS

Option Explicit Main Sub Main() Const TempDrive = "Z:" Dim fp ''file path of target folder Dim UNC_FP ''Expanded UNC FP Dim FSO ''As FileSystemObject Dim oFolderInfo ''As Folder Dim objNetwork ''As WSHNetwork Dim WSH ''UNKNOWN WSH EXEC Dim oDrive ''DRIVE ENUMERATOR Set WSH = CreateObject("Shell.Application") Set objNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network") Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") ''fp = "k:\Denver\Projects\2019\190566 5490 W. Center Ave. Lakewood\Record Sets" fp = wscript.Arguments.Item(0) Set oFolderInfo = FSO.GetFolder(fp) If oFolderInfo.Drive.DriveType = 2 Then MsgBox "Cannot map fixed drive " & oFolderInfo.Drive.DriveLetter, vbCritical, "Erro...

RIB QTO And Cost estiamting software integrating with BSD for model extractons

Image VIRTUAL INTO PHYSICAL: BIM BECOMES BIM 5D Building Information Modeling (BIM) generally stands for cost-efficient  design  and construction processes. But CAD-based BIM models are  designed  for planning and only support the handling of sub-processes. The worldwide construction industry is united in agreement that BIM should cover the entire process flow: A 5D approach bringing together, alongside 3D geometrical data, all the work specifications required for the execution of the construction, as well as costs and time/process components.  The Industry sees the future here:  BIM becomes BIM 5D. MORE SOLUTIONS SOLUTION  5D MODELLING SOLUTION  CAD BUILDING CONSTRUCTION SOLUTION  CAD CIVIL ENGINEERING MODEL INTEGRATION IN STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING Model integration in structural engineering is very flexible in iTWO 5D. Here both CPIXML and IFC formats are suppor...