Temp map dropped folder to x VBS

Option Explicit Main Sub Main() Const TempDrive = "Z:" Dim fp ''file path of target folder Dim UNC_FP ''Expanded UNC FP Dim FSO ''As FileSystemObject Dim oFolderInfo ''As Folder Dim objNetwork ''As WSHNetwork Dim WSH ''UNKNOWN WSH EXEC Dim oDrive ''DRIVE ENUMERATOR Set WSH = CreateObject("Shell.Application") Set objNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network") Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") ''fp = "k:\Denver\Projects\2019\190566 5490 W. Center Ave. Lakewood\Record Sets" fp = wscript.Arguments.Item(0) Set oFolderInfo = FSO.GetFolder(fp) If oFolderInfo.Drive.DriveType = 2 Then MsgBox "Cannot map fixed drive " & oFolderInfo.Drive.DriveLetter, vbCritical, "Error" Exit Sub End If For Each oDrive In FSO.Drives If LCase(Left(oDrive.Path, 1)) = LCase(Left(TempDrive, 1)) Then If MsgBox("Please close all open folders to the " & TempDrive & " drive." & vbCr & vbCr & "If this is not a temporary mapped drive click CANCEL now.", vbOKCancel + vbInformation, "This will remove the map to " & TempDrive) <> vbOK Then Exit Sub objNetwork.RemoveNetworkDrive Left(TempDrive, 2), "True", "True" If FSO.DriveExists(Left(TempDrive, 2)) Then MsgBox "Drive failed to delete- please close all associated folders with drive " & TempDrive, vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, "Warning- no map - exiting" 'wscript.quit End If Exit For End If Next UNC_FP = oFolderInfo.Drive.ShareName & Right(oFolderInfo.Path, Len(oFolderInfo.Path) - 2) objNetwork.MapNetworkDrive TempDrive, UNC_FP, "True" If FSO.DriveExists(Left(TempDrive, 2)) Then MsgBox "Success mapping temporary " & TempDrive & " --To-- " & vbCr & UNC_FP & vbcr & vbcr & "Opening drive on OK", vbInformation, "Success!" WSH.Open TempDrive End If End Sub 'wscript.quit


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