Callouts that overlap break lines



When making callouts- the cannot overlap Match lines without overhanging the view. There are some cases where the callouts cannot be broken into smaller separate individual callouts. One work around is to utilize SIM callouts to act as partial references to the callout. 


One major drawback- the cropped region does not relate to the limits of the callout. It would be better to make smaller independent callouts if possible to break up the spaces.



These callouts overlap the boundary and can cause print issues:

The workaround should only be used if smaller separate callout regions cannot be used.


1. Create a floor plan of the area,

a. Rename the view to match view naming standards

b. Select the elements you want to focus on and use the sunglasses to isolate the elements

c. Associate the correct view template


2. Turn the Crop Regions on and size them around the elements to crop out unwanted annotations or view information


4. In each overlapping dependant view- create a callout linked to the view. You can copy the remainder of the callout over the break line. The location of the detail# / sheet is view specific- so each copy in each dependant view should be adjusted for clarity and location.


Remember “Similar” callouts are view dependant- but display in both Primary and its dependant views (depending on the annotation crop)


If you do end up breaking into smaller callouts be sure to check the view names and view titles to remove any room references that no longer apply to the new cropped region.



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