Outlook VBA for "message domain" Progress form

One other tidbit- the progress form - a cheap way to create a progress bar on x64 outlook VBA since the regular x32 bit active x controllers don't work... I used a form- named it 1)"frmProgress", on the form is a frame called 3) "ProgressFrame", which I changed the fill on,hovering above (or in ) the frame is a lebel text called 2) "labelProgress" and there is an OK button called 4) "OK" for closing down the dialog.

Dialog in the form is below:

The code to run the dialog is very simple...
Code below this line--------------------------------------

Public MAX As Integer
Public Current As Integer

Private Sub OK_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
   ProgressFrame.Caption = ""
   Me.Left = Application.ActiveWindow().Left + Application.ActiveWindow().Width / 2 - (Me.Width / 2)
   Me.Top = Application.ActiveWindow().Top + Application.ActiveWindow().Height / 2 - (Me.Height / 2)
   Me.Height = 33
End Sub

Public Function SetCurrent(value As Integer)
   Dim Width As Integer
   If Me.Visible = False Then Me.Show (0)
   If MAX = 0 Then MAX = 1
   'If Value = 0 Then Value = 1
   If value > MAX Then value = MAX  ''100% max
   Width = (Me.Width - 15) * value / MAX
   If Width < 1 Then Width = 1
   ProgressFrame.Width = Width
   Me.labelProgress.Caption = Format(value / MAX * 100, "000") & "%"
   If value = MAX Then
      Me.labelProgress.Caption = Me.labelProgress.Caption & "  **DONE**"
      Me.Height = 64
   End If
End Function

Public Function SetMax(value As Integer)
   Dim Width As Integer
   MAX = value
   SetCurrent (0)
End Function


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