RSMEANS Python REGEXP extractions

Attribute VB_Name = "RSUnits"
Option Explicit
''Constants for reference of unit types in RSMEANS
'' Floor, concrete, slab form, open web bar joist @ 2' OC, on W beam and wall, 30'x30' bay, 29" deep, 65 PSF superimposed load, 110 PSF total load, for columns add
Public Const VBQT = """"

''these use named regexp returns based in python
''Public Const Regex_BAY+PYTHON = "(?:(?P\d{1,})((?P\'|\" & VBQT & "|ft|in))\W{0,}x\W{0,}(?P\d{1,})(?P\'|\" & VBQT & "|ft|in)\W{0,}bay)"
Public Const Regex_BAY = "(?:([\d\.]{1,})((\'|\" & VBQT & "|ft|in))\W{0,}x\W{0,}(\d{1,})(\'|\" & VBQT & "|ft|in)\W{0,}bay)"
Public Const Regex_Addon = "(?:for\W{0,}(?P\b.+\b)\W{0,}add)\W{0,}"
''Public Const Regex_SPACE+python = "(?:.+,(?P.+?)(\@\W{0,}(?P\d{1,})((?P\'|\" & VBQT & "|ft|in)\W{0,}oc)))"
Public Const Regex_SPACE = "(?:.+,(.+?)(\@\W{0,}([\d\.]{1,})((\'|\" & VBQT & "|ft|in)\W{0,}oc)))"
Public Const Regex_SPAN = "(?:.+,(.+?)(\@\W{0,}([\d\.]{1,})((\'|\" & VBQT & "|ft|in)\W{0,}span)))"
''Public Const Regex_DEEP+PYTHON  = "(?:(?P\d{1,})(?P\'|\" & VBQT & "|ft|in)\W{0,}deep)"
Public Const Regex_DEEP = "(?:([\d\.]{1,})(\'|\" & VBQT & "|ft|in)\W{0,}deep)"
Public Const Regex_LOAD = "(?:(?P\d{1,})\W{0,}(?P(P[S|L]F))\W{0,}(?P\w{1,12})\W{0,}load)"

'' full regexp with names regexp =  watch for VBQTs!
'' (?:(?P\d{1,})((?P\'|\"|ft|in))\W{0,}x\W{0,}(?P\d{1,})(?P\'|\"|ft|in)\W{0,}bay)|(?:for\W{0,}(?P\b.+\b)\W{0,}add)\W{0,}|(?:.+,(?P.+?)(\@\W{0,}(?P\d{1,})((?P\'|\"|ft|in)\W{0,}oc)))|(?:(?P\d{1,})(?P\'|\"|ft|in)\W{0,}deep)|(?:(?P\d{1,})\W{0,}(?P(P[S|L]F))\W{0,}(?P\w{1,12})\W{0,}load)

Type Units
    BAY_X As Integer
    BAY_Y As Integer
    BAY_X_UNIT As String
    BAY_Y_UNIT As String
End Type
Function RSM_Val(strValue As String, Optional strType As String) As Variant
Dim rangeCaller As Range
Dim reg As New Regexp
Dim strl As String
Dim ret As MatchCollection

Dim strNumberFormat As String

''only returns one value at a time so only need to track one measurement except wxd for 'bay'
Dim Height As Single
Dim Width As Single
Dim Depth As Single
Dim UNIT As String

Dim Found As Boolean        ''for control over formatting
Found = False

    strl = LCase(strValue)
    strType = LCase(strType)
    Set rangeCaller = Application.Caller
    Select Case strType
        Case "bay"
            reg.Pattern = RSUnits.Regex_BAY
            Set ret = reg.Execute(strValue)
            If ret.Count > 0 Then
                Width = ret.Item(0).SubMatches.Item(0)
                If ret.Item(0).SubMatches.Item(1) = VBQT Then ret.Item(0).SubMatches.Item(1) = "''"  ''may not be needed returning text.
                Depth = ret.Item(0).SubMatches.Item(3)
                If ret.Item(0).SubMatches.Item(4) = VBQT Then ret.Item(0).SubMatches.Item(4) = "''"  ''may not be needed returning text.
                RSM_Val = Width & ret.Item(0).SubMatches.Item(1) & " x " & Depth & ret.Item(0).SubMatches.Item(4)
                UNIT = "General"
                rangeCaller.Cells(1, 1).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
                rangeCaller.Cells(1, 1).VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
                Found = True
            End If
        Case "bayx"
            reg.Pattern = RSUnits.Regex_BAY
            Set ret = reg.Execute(strValue)
            If ret.Count > 0 Then
                Width = ret.Item(0).SubMatches.Item(0)
                UNIT = ret.Item(0).SubMatches.Item(1)
                Depth = ret.Item(0).SubMatches.Item(3)
                strNumberFormat = "00" & VBQT & UNIT & VBQT
                RSM_Val = Width
                rangeCaller.Cells(1, 1).HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
                Found = True
            End If
        Case "bayy"
            reg.Pattern = RSUnits.Regex_BAY
            Set ret = reg.Execute(strValue)
            If ret.Count > 0 Then
                Depth = ret.Item(0).SubMatches.Item(3)
                UNIT = ret.Item(0).SubMatches.Item(4)
                RSM_Val = Depth
                rangeCaller.Cells(1, 1).HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
                Found = True
            End If
        Case "deep"
            reg.Pattern = RSUnits.Regex_DEEP
            Set ret = reg.Execute(strValue)
            If ret.Count > 0 Then
                Height = ret.Item(0).SubMatches.Item(0)
                UNIT = ret.Item(0).SubMatches.Item(1)
                RSM_Val = Height
                Found = True
            End If
    End Select

    If Found = True Then                                                '''Reset formatting
        FormatCell Application.Caller, UNIT
    Else                                                                ''''reset cell to general formatting
        RSM_Val = ""
        rangeCaller.NumberFormat = "General"
        rangeCaller.HorizontalAlignment = xlTop
        rangeCaller.VerticalAlignment = xlLeft
    End If
End Function

Private Sub FormatCell(xr As Range, UNIT As String)
Select Case UNIT
    Case VBQT, "''" ''inches
        UNIT = "00.00" & "''"
    Case "'"
        UNIT = "00" & "'"
    Case Else
        UNIT = "General"
End Select
    Sheet1.strNumberFormat = UNIT   ''trick to attempt force override on sheet value change
    xr.NumberFormat = UNIT
End Sub


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