Excel keynoting editor:

  • This is a super basic keynote editor in Excel.

  • Unlimited Open license provided with no guarantees made, use at your own risk and provided:
    • Post back suggestions, adaptations, comments and changes here with attributions to Ron.Allen Apsis0215 at gmail dot com so we can learn together and make it better!
  • The macros are exposed : ) and it is the base revit keynotes file with headers for a lot of disciplines user notes.
  • The column on the right must be a value from a column on the left for nesting.
  • Insert or delete entire rows at will.
  • The button generates 3 files in the same folder. Watch for prompts to overwrite and resave.
    • The Text file which Revit uses.
    • An XLS file (Without MAcros) for end users to copy locally to assist in looking up and filtering results in Revit
    • And finally it Saves itself  back to the XLSM file you are editing- overwriting the file.


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