What is wrong with the government and he system with common sense ways to fix it.

It is all just rhetoric. Trumps ‘voting base’ was targeted to put him over as they been legally and ploitically oppressed resulting from that base's physical opression directed to anyone who wasnt white or male from the 1880s to the 1980s particularly the 1940s on.

It is a double standard created by Dems. And bastardized by the Republicans. Something to repair and balance inequality HAS BEEN TWISTED to repress white folks and balance things at any cost. That oppressed and disenfranchised group is Trumps voting base. His campaign managers knew where to scrape to get those votes. Combine that with the Republican gerrymandering that has been rampant the past 40 years in redistricting, NOW an epidemic proportions in the past 10 years those factors led to Success for the wrong reasons. An absolute Political system FAIL.

Hilary used her strong arm political tactics, money and connections to push Bernie Sanders out, believing if a black man could run two terms, surely she could get in on his coat tails; thinking or ignoring that white oppressed base was too this or that to vote. Hubris at its highest, and the democrats did it without thinking off the people they are supposed to be there for. An absolite Political system FAIL!

All the reasons Hillary said to vote for her were the things Bernie had a proven with a long track record. FAIL by the democrats and the electoral college.

For Hillary, the Republicans kept shouting and accusing her of the very things they do on a regular basis…or worse, they had limited to no proof of happeninga which the proceeded to engrained semi true or false news in the minds of conservatives through faux news. All the charlatans perched on high spewing their racist bigoted hate and bullshit at the tops of their lungs so loud it must be true, right? But without a accountability or integrity there is no truth. FAIL by the media; making money for its own sake, emboldened to the corporations paying their salaries and lining the pockets of Congress.

Now the republicans are loading the courts with judges that have their bias, religious biases, corporate biases, power biases after refusing to allow appointees legally presented by the former president of America. Constitutional FAIL.

Their goal is to make money at every turn regardless of the cost to human rights, dignity, our even basic necessity. What that white base cannot or will not recognize is the republicans are outright liars who say anything to get elected to push corporate agendas to pay less, shop jobs overseas and charge the same amount or more for products so they make more money while all America, including that white base suffers to oblivion. As long as they can be rich and powerful in their lifetime, they don't give two craps what happens after they are gone aside fee possible legacies of power to their family. FAIL.

Corporations Do employ people, however they only hire of they can make more money, they do not build to crate jobs. Corporations make money not jobs:; jobs are a byproduct of adding resources to make money and go away if there is a cheaper way to make money. Corporations are NOT people. When they have the power to write laws, people will be the byproduct and nothing will prevent them from burning the planet and everything on it to make a profit. FAIL in managing resources.

Want to fix healthcare? Take the religious bias out of it and make it non profit with limited caps for salaries and hourly rates. Providing money for explorative and realistic research. is you are in healthcare to make money then you are on it for the wrong reasons.

We need to throw of these chains and realize money for its own sake is not right; it leads to Abuse of power to make more money at the cosy of lives and or environment and infrastructure which cost more lives and quality of life later.

We Need to undo the damage done:; reverse citizens v. United; remove religiously biased laws and judges from the judicial system and get to the base of what we know is right or wrong and use that as or laws; create term limits with exception of 80% majority in with re-election; require anyone in public office make ALL their financial works publix knowledge to eliminate the payoffs that have been happening, limit past for public office to the median pay for the USA; create a bureau of media and statistics managed by another bureau to ensure data is collected and recorded without bias and to find, record and maintain the truth or the closest we can fund with understandings of what degree of truth and relevancy is held with facts; we need to hold people accountable for what they say is fact when it is only partially true ur untrue and cite when their opinion is based on supposition or not fact based at all. Elect officials by state and make it difficult to create new states or modify their lines- we don't need counties to vote anymore, electronic systems are fully capable of delivering results in minimal time without the need of horseback riders delivering them; abolish political parties; gather regional regions based on nationally accepted algorithms in sub primaries, then state choice primaries by top choices in order and tally votes that way. Nations election by popular vote for top candidates in order, vice president by whoever is 2nd most votes.

Treat everyone with a sense of equality to balance things out, provide opportunities in education and real opportunities to people so the have a true and real chance to move forward~and do this without creating artificial enhancements or artificially lowering or raids b the bar. Make education not for profit as well an set true and realistic standards to achieve tracks in life at every level with continued opportunities throughout life!

That would fix everything currently wrong with our political and governmental system. World resources and responsible management of resources could then be addressed.


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