py. pair objects by assembly code to workset

import clr clr.AddReference('ProtoGeometry') from Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry import * #The inputs to this node will be stored as a list in the IN variables. Worksets_all= IN[0] Elements = IN[1] ##Regex to get the worksets matching the assembly criteria ## import re ##NOTE This is REgular EXpressions - a powerful pattern matching language regex = re.compile(r"([abcdefglABCDEFGL]\d{2})|([Ww]orkset 1)",re.IGNORECASE) ## ABCD follow by 2 numbers #L added for airport special ##Iteration over list i[0] is NAME to comare #Worksets = filter(lambda i:[0]), Worksets_all) ##Also works Worksets = [i for i in Worksets_all if[0])] ##Each list item [0] soud be name stdout=list() for element in Elements: ##Iterate element list for workset in Worksets: ##iterate workset list if element[0][:3] == workset[0][:3] : ##First 3 characters match between workset and assembly code we have a match, [0] is index in list[:3] is first three letters of string which is treated like an array stdout.append([element[1],workset]) ##workset[1],workset[0],workset]) break #Assign your output to the OUT variable. OUT = stdout


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