Purge Printers from Windows 7 VBS

''''''''''Execute subs CheckArgs CleanupPrinters dim SleepTime ''globals for sleep time in Milliseconds dim quiet ''globals for no dialog dim Msg ''Message string '''''''''''----------------------------------------------------- sub CheckArgs() ''push args into array ReDim args(WScript.Arguments.Count-1) For i = 0 To WScript.Arguments.Count-1 args(i) = WScript.Arguments(i) & "" Next For argCt = 0 to ubound(args) if lcase(trim(args(argCt))) = "\sleep" then argCt=argCt+1 SleepTime = int(args(argCt)) msg = msg & vbCr & "\sleep=" & int(SleepTime) end if if lcase(trim(args(argCt) & "" )) = "\q" or lcase(trim(args(argCt) & "" )) = "\quiet" then quiet=true msg = msg & vbCr & "\quiet=" & quiet End if Next if msg > "" then msg = msg & vbCr end sub '''''''----------------------------------------------------- Sub CleanupPrinters() if SleepTime > 0 then Wscript.Sleep int(SleepTime) ''On Error Resume Next Dim re ''As New regexp Set re = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") re.IgnoreCase = True Dim match ''As MatchCollection Dim objprinter ''As SWbemObjectEx Dim strPrnName ''as string ''printer name strComputer = "." Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") Set WSHNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network") Set colInstalledPrinters = objWMIService.ExecQuery _ ("Select * from Win32_Printer Where Network = TRUE") '''For adding::: WSHNetwork.AddWindowsPrinterConnection "\\USGWV01VAP0002\USGWV01-1FL-HP-DJ-T3500-01" msg = msg & vbCr & "Added:" & vbCr & "USGWV01-1FL-HP-DJ-T3500-01" & vbCr '''For Culling and removing anything that doesn't match REGEX pattern: Dim CT For Each objprinter In colInstalledPrinters ''2018-03-13-re.Pattern = "(?:.*\-1FL){0,1}(?:\-{0,1}(?:ENV|BLUEBEAM PDF|HP|XR|DJ)){1,2}(?:\-{0,1}.\d{0,4}\-){0,1}.*" re.Pattern = ".*\-.*(?:env|blue|hp[-]{0,1}dj\d{0,4})\-.*" ''reg exp to keep - first floor and strPrnName = objprinter.Path_.Keys.Item("DeviceID").Value Set match = re.Execute(UCase(strPrnName)) If match.count = 0 Then ''didn't match to keep CT = CT + 1 If CT = 1 Then msg = msg & vbCr & "Deleted:" & vbCr msg = msg & vbCr & objprinter.Path_.Keys.Item("DeviceID").Value 'Stop objprinter.Delete_ End If Next If msg = "" Then msg = "Nothing matched to delete and/or add" if not quiet then MsgBox msg, vbOK, "Modifications to print list" End Sub


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