Introducing Sourcelist: Promoting diversity in technology policy

Introducing Sourcelist: Promoting diversity in technology policy:

It is a good idea- I have a similar idea for a national database of all folks and their job histories, *proven capabilities*, recommendations, etc. A database not just for women but to hire people on *availability*, *capability* and *merit* regardless of any other label.

Justice is supposed to be blind- Why shouldn't hiring be based solely on capability with no other available data? Human beings will likely have one bias or another- until those are weeded out, there must be a system to provide equity.

These next words are painful; and I *do* believe in the idea of affirmative action- however, the current method and application of Affirmative has very mixed results. Forcing the break down of the walls of segregation and bigotry, discrimination and racism, etc. is itself a forced discrimination which I have seen many take advantage of to creating mediocrity through entitlement. There are those skating through on these entitlements that everyone points to - ignoring the larger picture, that are making everyone else look bad.

This is exactly what has us in our executive and legislative predicament now.

Once cannot balance unfair practice with an equally unfair practice. It must truly be equitable and if necessary blind. We have illustrated we as human beings are largely incapable of this - so it will take large 'neutral' entities - likely our government to step in with intervention to make things right.

If people are taking advantage- everyone will have difficulty seeing Affirmative action is working.


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