REvit Dynamo Python PY.TextNote+View+GUID.PY

# Simplified version by Ron.Allen to just text in views - 2019-01-02 # Deduced from from Konrad K Sobon @arch_laboratory, Get function 2015 # Derived from Jeremy Tammick's bip function work in C# import clr # Import Element wrapper extension methods clr.AddReference("RevitNodes") import Revit clr.ImportExtensions(Revit.Elements) # Import RevitAPI clr.AddReference("RevitAPI") import Autodesk from Autodesk.Revit.DB import * import System ##IN[0] for elements if isinstance(IN[0], list): objList = [] for i in IN[0]: objList.append(UnwrapElement(i)) else: objList = IN[0] elements = [] for i in objList: elements.append(UnwrapElement(i)) ##Export values of objects - the TEXT_TEXT built in parameter is the VALUE of the instance of text. OUT=[] for obj in objList: ## SNUM="" SNAME="" VID= None VName="nil" PVAL="" ##View ID and Name if hasattr(obj, "OwnerViewId"): #Get object View ID VID=obj.Document.GetElement(obj.OwnerViewId) #Get Object View Name Vname=VID.Name SNUM=VID.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.SHEET_NUMBER) #SNAME=objView ##.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.SHEET_NAME).AsString() ##String Valiue of note from BuiltInParameter PVAL=obj.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.TEXT_TEXT).AsString() #Get GUID objGUID=obj.UniqueId ##Append values to list #OUT.append((SNUM,SNAME,VID,Vname,PVAL)) OUT.append((VID,Vname,PVAL, objGUID)) OUT = map(None, *OUT) #Get by ID: #obj = doc.GetElement(objGUID);


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