Xmind create touch file version of files and folder structure to recreate directory structure VBS

This VBS creates a touch folder (zero byte) version of a file/folder structure so it can be dropped (copied) into xmind.


Option Explicit StartZTF ''Zero Touch Files & Folder Replication for folder structure reference Sub StartZTF() Dim CopyStructPath 'as String Dim FileCt 'as Integer Dim FolderCT 'as Integer Dim FSO 'as New FileSystemObject set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") dim FolderDepth ''limit recurse depth of folders ''msgbox Wscript.Arguments(0) CopyStructPath = Wscript.Arguments(0) ''"C:\ProgramData\KTGY\ACACustom" ''String to filestruct to copy FolderDepth = InputBox("Limit depth of folders to grab, -1 for unlimited: " ,"Limit folder depth" , -1 ) FolderDepth = FolderDepth + 1 Dim strLFP 'as String ''BASE FOLDER PATH: strLFP = "C:\temp\QCT\" & replace(Replace(FSO.GetFolder(CopyStructPath).Path, ":\", "_", 1, 1),"\","_") MkSubDir FSO, strLFP QCT FSO.GetFolder(CopyStructPath), FSO.GetFolder(strLFP), FolderDepth msgbox Wscript.Arguments(0) & " Complete", vbokonly, "Completed" End Sub Sub QCT(ByVal FP, ByVal strLFP, ByVal FolderDepth) Dim SubFolder 'as Folder Dim ss 'as Folder Call CreateFiles(FP, strLFP) FolderDepth = FolderDepth -1 if FolderDepth = 0 then exit sub For Each SubFolder In FP.SubFolders ''strSFN = strLFP & "\" & SubFolder.Name On Error Resume Next Set ss = Nothing Set ss = strLFP.SubFolders.Item(SubFolder.Name) On Error GoTo 0 If ss Is Nothing Then strLFP.SubFolders.add (SubFolder.Name) QCT SubFolder, strLFP.SubFolders.Item(SubFolder.Name), FolderDepth Next ''SubFolder End Sub Sub CreateFiles(ByRef FP, ByRef strLFP) Dim ObjFile 'as File For Each ObjFile In FP.Files strLFP.CreateTextFile(ModFN(ObjFile.Name, ObjFile.Size)).Close Next ''ObjFile End Sub Private Function ModFN(FN, FS) 'as String Dim fExt 'as String Dim I 'as Integer Dim strU 'as String Dim intU 'as Integer For I = Len(FN) To 1 Step -1 If Mid(FN, I, 1) = "." Then Exit For Next ''I If I > 1 Then fExt = Trim(Mid(FN, I, 32)) 'trim long mid over to end up to 32 characters ''else ther was no "." in the filename FN = left(FN, I - 1) End If intU = 1 If FS >= 1000000000 Then intU = 1000000000 strU = "TB" ElseIf FS >= 1000000 Then intU = 1000000 strU = "MB" ElseIf FS >= 1000 Then intU = 1000 strU = "KB" Else intU = 1 strU = "B" End If ModFN = FN & " [" & int(FS / intU*10)/10 & " " & strU & "]" & fExt End Function Sub MkSubDir(FSO, FP) Dim x Dim fps Dim I, ub 'as Integer x = Split(FP, "\") ub = -1 On Error Resume Next: ub = UBound(x): On Error GoTo 0 For I = 0 To ub fps = fps & x(I) & "\" If Not FSO.FolderExists(fps) Then FSO.CreateFolder (fps) Next ''I End Sub


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