Excel Decimal FT and Decimal Ft-In

Decimal Feet and INches from ft-in string form Revit or AutoCAD

Attribute VB_Name = "FtIn" Option Explicit '''References:: Microsoft VB Script Regular Expressions 5.5 Const vbqt = """" Const Pat_FtOnly = "(\d{1,})\'" '' Feet ' Const Pat_FtIn = "(([\d\.]*)\'[\-\s]{0,4}){0,1}(([\d\.]{1,})[\" & vbqt & "\-\s]{1,3}){0,1}((\d{1,3})[\s\/\\]{1,3}(\d{1,3})[\" & vbqt & "]){0,1}" ''patterf Ft'-in "(\d{1,4})\'[\s\-]{1,3}(\d){1,2}[\s]{0,1}([\d\/]{3,7}){0,1}\" & vbqt ''Feet = (?:(\d?)(?:[\'\s\-]{1,4})){0,1} ''Inches = (?:(\d?)[\s\-\"]{0,3}){0,1} ''FractIn = (?:(\d{1,3})[\s\/\\]{1,3}(\d{1,3}))(?:[\"]) Function DecimalFT(strFtIn As String) As Variant ''Double Dim RE As New RegExp Dim reMa As MatchCollection Dim rs As SubMatches Dim dFT As Double ''Decimal Feet Dim iIn As Integer ''Whole inches Dim iInNumer As Integer ''Fractional Inches Numerator Dim iInDenom As Integer ''Fractional Inches Denominator With RE .Global = False .IgnoreCase = True .MultiLine = False .Pattern = Pat_FtIn If .Test(strFtIn) = True Then Set reMa = Nothing Set reMa = RE.Execute(strFtIn) ''base-zero indexing!''' ''Check if all are empty return -1 If reMa.Item(0).SubMatches.Item(1) = Empty _ And reMa.Item(0).SubMatches.Item(3) = Empty _ And reMa.Item(0).SubMatches.Item(5) = Empty _ And reMa.Item(0).SubMatches.Item(6) = Empty _ Then ''DecimalFT = -1 DecimalFT = Error(744) ''Search Text Not found (Missing ' or ") Exit Function End If dFT = Val(reMa.Item(0).SubMatches.Item(1)) iIn = Val(reMa.Item(0).SubMatches.Item(3)) iInNumer = Val(reMa.Item(0).SubMatches.Item(5)) iInDenom = Val(reMa.Item(0).SubMatches.Item(6)) End If End With DecimalFT = dFT + iIn / 12 If iInNumer > 0 And iInDenom > 0 Then DecimalFT = DecimalFT + (iInNumer / iInDenom) / 12 ''Parenthesis for order of operations End If End Function Function DecimalInches(strFtIn As String) As Double DecimalInches = DecimalFT(strFtIn) * 12 End Function Function ToleranceTest(strFtIn As String, StrFtInTolerance As String) As Boolean ''Mod throws errors with small fractions so we use 1/512" Unit counts Dim a As Long 'Long integer in 1/512" Increments Dim b As Long 'Long integer in 1/512" Increments a = DecimalFT(strFtIn) * 12 * 512 b = DecimalFT(StrFtInTolerance) * 12 * 512 ToleranceTest = ((a Mod b) = 0) End Function Private Function Test_FtIn() Debug.Print ToleranceTest("1/256" & vbqt, "1/4" & vbqt) '''outside clean dim tolerance (FALSE) Debug.Print ToleranceTest("1-1/4" & vbqt, "1/4" & vbqt) ''' Meets clean dim tolerance (TRUE) Debug.Print ToleranceTest("1-1/8" & vbqt, "1/4" & vbqt) '''Outside clean dim tolerance (FALSE) Debug.Print DecimalFT("0.250000000000002") '''No ' or " specified - error out Debug.Print DecimalFT("0.250000000000002'") '''Floating point export error from Revit Debug.Print DecimalFT("3' - 2 1/4" & vbqt) ''3.1875 Feet Debug.Print DecimalInches("1' 1" & vbqt) ''13.0 Inches End Function


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