Dynamo DYF Excel manager (Basic)(VBA)

Read DYF Files into excel and update
  • UUIDs
  • Category
  • Description
  • Name
Base on PAth.

then update

Updated to show old UUID and function for new at left automatically.

2022-10-24-Update - changes file name to match NAME converting "." to "-" n the name before comitting changes.

Attribute VB_Name = "ReadDYF" Option Explicit Const fp = "C:\Users\rallen\AppData\Roaming\Dynamo\Dynamo Revit\2.12\definitions\" Const vbQt = """" Const RQ = "\" & """" Const rpGUI = "(.*?" & RQ & "Uuid" & RQ & ":\W" & RQ & ")([0-9a-f\-]{36})(" & RQ & ".*$)" Const rpCAT = "(.*?" & RQ & "Category" & RQ & ":\W" & RQ & ")(.*)(" & RQ & ".*$)" Const rpDES = "(.*?" & RQ & "Description" & RQ & ":\W" & RQ & ")(.*)(" & RQ & ".*$)" Const rpNAM = "(.*?" & RQ & "Name" & RQ & ":\W" & RQ & ")(.*)(" & RQ & ".*$)" Sub DYFs_READ() Dim ct As Integer Dim fn As String Dim fso As New FileSystemObject Dim oFold As Folder Dim ofile As File Dim tStrm As TextStream Dim spat As String Dim re As New RegExp Dim x Dim strlin As String Dim ic As Integer Dim REXarray() Dim found As Integer ''eq 4 and all found

REXarray = Array(rpCAT, rpDES, rpNAM, rpGUI) With re .Pattern = rpGUI .Global = True .IgnoreCase = True .MultiLine = False End With Set oFold = fso.GetFolder(fp) ct = 1 With Sheet1 With .Cells(1, 7) .Value = Date + Time() .NumberFormat = """Last Updated:: "" yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss a/p" End With .Cells(1, 1) = "UUID" ''First cell for new UUID .Cells(1, 2) = "Category" .Cells(1, 3) = "Description" .Cells(1, 4) = "Name" .Cells(1, 5) = "Path" .Cells(1, 6) = "Old UUID" End With For Each ofile In oFold.Files If fso.GetExtensionName(ofile) = "dyf" Then ct = ct + 1 Sheet1.Cells(ct, 5) = ofile.Path Sheet1.Cells(ct, 1).Formula2R1C1 = "=Encode5Bit2HexGUID(""RA-""&LEFT(RC[3],22))" With ofile.OpenAsTextStream(ForReading, TristateMixed) Do While Not .AtEndOfStream strlin = .ReadLine() For ic = 1 To 4 With re .Pattern = REXarray(ic - 1) ''GUID search pattern If .test(strlin) = True Then Set x = .Execute(strlin) Select Case ic: Case 1 To 3: Sheet1.Cells(ct, ic + 1) = x.Item(0).SubMatches(1) found = found + 1 Case 4: ''old GUID in col 6 Sheet1.Cells(ct, 6) = x.Item(0).SubMatches(1) found = found + 1 End Select Exit For ''ic ''one iterm per line End If End With Next ic If found = UBound(REXarray) + 1 Then Exit Do '' Loop found = 0 End With End If Next ofile Sheet1.Columns("A:G").EntireColumn.AutoFit ''Wide to fit columns End Sub Sub DYFs_UPDATE() Dim ct As Integer Dim fn As String Dim fso As New FileSystemObject Dim oFold As Folder Dim ofile As File Dim oofile As File Dim tStrm As TextStream Dim spat As String Dim re As New RegExp Dim x Dim strhead As String ''Header string only from all string Dim strAll As String Dim ic As Integer Dim REXarray() Dim strNewName As String ''new file name Dim found As Integer ''eq 4 and all found Dim DateStart() As Date ''capture starting dates Dim ub As Integer ''ubound counter Dim Pass As New Collection ''Passed updates by modified Dim Fail As New Collection ''Failed updates by modified REXarray = Array(rpGUI, rpCAT, rpDES, rpNAM) With re .Pattern = rpGUI .Global = True .IgnoreCase = True .MultiLine = True End With Set oFold = fso.GetFolder(fp) For ct = 2 To Sheet1.Cells(1, 1).End(xlDown).Row fn = Sheet1.Cells(ct, 5) ''Get fn from cells If fso.FileExists(fn) Then Set ofile = fso.GetFile(fn) ''strNewName = ofile.Name strNewName = Sheet1.Cells(ct, 4) strNewName = Replace(strNewName, ".", "-") ofile.Name = strNewName & ".dyf" ''Rename file to match Set ofile = fso.GetFile(ofile.Path) ''re-get ofile Sheet1.Cells(ct, 5) = ofile.Path ''Update path in spreadsheet ub = ub + 1 ''Increment ubound counter ReDim Preserve DateStart(ub) DateStart(ub) = ofile.DateLastModified ''set date With ofile.OpenAsTextStream(ForReading, TristateMixed) strAll = .ReadAll ''[Crude break for string head as JSON NAME: parameters exist thorughout strhead = Left(strAll, InStr(1, strAll, vbQt & "ElementResolver" & vbQt) - 1) strAll = Right(strAll, Len(strAll) - Len(strhead)) For ic = 1 To 4 With re: .Pattern = REXarray(ic - 1) ''GUID search pattern If .test(strhead) = True Then Set x = .Execute(strhead) strhead = .Replace(strhead, "$1" & Sheet1.Cells(ct, ic) & "$3") End If End With Next ic ''Set ofile = Nothing fn = Sheet1.Cells(ct, 5) ''Get updated fn from cells fso.CreateTextFile fn, True, True Set oofile = fso.GetFile(fn) With oofile.OpenAsTextStream(ForWriting, TristateTrue) .Write strhead & strAll .Close End With ''Exit For ''ic ''one iterm per line End With End If Next ct ''next row '''''''''''''''''' ''Validate updates For ct = 2 To Sheet1.Cells(1, 1).End(xlDown).Row fn = Sheet1.Cells(ct, 5) ''Get fn from cells If fso.FileExists(fn) Then Set ofile = fso.GetFile(fn) If DateStart(ct - 1) < ofile.DateLastModified Then Pass.Add "PASS:: " & ofile.Name & " - " & Format(ofile.DateLastModified, "yyyy-mm-ddthhmma/p") Else Fail.Add "FAIL:: " & ofile.Name & " - " & Format(ofile.DateLastModified, "yyyy-mm-ddthhmma/p") End If End If Next ct ''next row MsgBox "PASS:: " & Pass.Count & vbCr & vbCr & "FAIL:: " & Fail.Count, vbOKOnly, "Updates completed." End Sub Function OpenTextFile$(f) With CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") .Charset = "us-ascii" .Open .LoadFromFile f OpenTextFile = .ReadText End With End Function Function OpenTextFileFSO$(f) Dim ofile As File Dim fso As New FileSystemObject Set ofile = fso.GetFile(f) With ofile.OpenAsTextStream OpenTextFileFSO$ = .ReadAll .Close End With Set ofile = Nothing End Function


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