Avail update remaining file to new folder

Attribute VB_Name = "CopyNew_toNewLoc" Option Explicit Const vbqt = """" Const reREvitFileMatch As String = "^[^.]+\.(?!\d+\.)(rvt|rfa|rft|rte|txt)$" Private Sub GetMissingFiles() Dim ws As Worksheet Dim wsFN As Worksheet Dim oT As ListObject Dim I As Integer Dim fso As New FileSystemObject Dim oFold As Folder Dim RE As New RegExp Dim Filelist As New Collection Dim strSrc As String ''source folder Dim strRefComp As String ''compare folder Dim strDest As String ''destination Dim ttl As Integer Dim newRow As ListRow With Application .EnableEvents = False .Calculation = xlCalculationManual End With Set ws = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Files") Set wsFN = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Source") Set oT = ws.ListObjects(1) ' Loop through and delete all rows in the table For I = oT.ListRows.Count To 1 Step -1 oT.ListRows(I).Delete Next I Application.EnableEvents = True ''Newpath = =pfp([@oldFP],"Families Downloaded from Mfr",dest) With RE .Global = True .IgnoreCase = True .MultiLine = True .Pattern = reREvitFileMatch End With strSrc = wsFN.Range("Source") strDest = wsFN.Range("Destination") strRefComp = wsFN.Range("Compare") ''check source for files mathicng non-backup revit files Set oFold = fso.GetFolder(strSrc) recurseMatching fso, RE, oFold, Filelist ttl = Filelist.Count ''snapshot of number of files ''Check compare folder - remove matching files and remaining will go to destination... ofoldRemovePresentInDest fso, Filelist, strSrc, strRefComp 'ws.Activate For I = 1 To Filelist.Count Set newRow = oT.ListRows.Add(AlwaysInsert:=True) oT.DataBodyRange.Cells(I, 1) = Filelist(I) Next I ''FileList is all files in source that are not in destination If Filelist.Count = 0 Then GoTo All_Synchronized CopyFilesDown fso, Filelist, strSrc, strDest ''use fso to build folders and copy files down GoTo GetMissingFiles_Cleanup All_Synchronized: MsgBox "All " & ttl & " files synchronized.", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Done" GetMissingFiles_Cleanup: With Application .EnableEvents = True .Calculation = xlCalculationSemiautomatic .StatusBar = "Completed " & Format(Date + Time, "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mma/p") End With End Sub Private Sub CopyFilesDown(ByRef fso As FileSystemObject, ByRef Filelist As Collection, strSrc As String, strDest As String) Dim ofile As Variant Dim strFile As String Dim strFPfrom As String Dim strFPto As String Dim strFN As String Dim cmd As String Dim I As Integer Dim ttl As Integer Dim objShell As WshShell '' wshell3 Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") ttl = Filelist.Count ''trying to use robocopy to retain owner and time stamps. Ownership won't copy but rest is good. For I = 1 To Filelist.Count ''Each ofile In Filelist strFile = "": strFN = "": strFPfrom = "": strFPto = "" strFile = Filelist(I) & "" strFN = vbqt & GetFN(strFile) & vbqt strFPfrom = vbqt & GetFP(strFile) & vbqt strFPto = vbqt & pFP(GetFP(strFile), strSrc, strDest) & vbqt FolderBuild strFPto, fso ''make sure folders are made cmd = "" cmd = "Robocopy " & strFPfrom & " " & strFPto & " " & strFN cmd = cmd & " /COPY:DTXA" ''cannot /COPYALL or DATSO NTFS has error issue with security If Left(strFPto, 1) = vbqt Then strFPto = Split(strFPto, vbqt)(1) ''Remove wrap quotes If Left(strFN, 1) = vbqt Then strFN = Split(strFN, vbqt)(1) ''Remove wrap quotes If Not fso.FileExists(strFPto & "\" & strFN) Then objShell.Run "cmd /c " & cmd, 0, True End If Application.StatusBar = "Files remaining to copy: " & ttl - I Next I End Sub Private Sub recurseMatching(ByRef fso As FileSystemObject, ByRef RE As RegExp, ByRef oFolder As Folder, ByRef Filelist As Collection) Dim oFoldS As Folder Dim ofile As File ''scan for files to add For Each ofile In oFolder.Files If RE.Test(ofile.Name) Then Filelist.Add (ofile.Path) End If Next ofile Application.StatusBar = "Files gathered: " & Filelist.Count ''update status bar For Each oFoldS In oFolder.SubFolders recurseMatching fso, RE, oFoldS, Filelist Next oFoldS End Sub Private Sub ofoldRemovePresentInDest(ByRef fso As FileSystemObject, ByRef Filelist As Collection, strSrc As String, strRefComp As String) Dim strPFP As String Dim strFrom As String Dim strTo As String Dim I As Integer For I = Filelist.Count To 1 Step -1 strFrom = "": strFrom = Filelist(I) ''get partial path by stripping source strPFP = "": strPFP = Right(strFrom, Len(strFrom) - Len(strSrc) - 1) strTo = "": strTo = strRefComp & "\" & strPFP If fso.FileExists(strTo) Then Filelist.Remove (I) End If Application.StatusBar = "Deducting reference Files: " & Filelist.Count & " remaining." ''update status bar Next I End Sub ''---------------------------------------------- Function GetFP(rng As String) As String Dim x Dim I x = Split(rng, "\") For I = 0 To UBound(x) - 1 GetFP = GetFP & x(I) GetFP = GetFP & "\" Next I If Right(GetFP, 1) = "\" Then GetFP = Left(GetFP, Len(GetFP) - 1) End If End Function ''---------------------------------------------- Function GetFN(rng As String) As String Dim x Dim I x = Split(rng, "\") GetFN = x(UBound(x)) End Function ''---------------------------------------------- Function pFP(fp As String, strMatch As String, strFPNew As String) As String On Error GoTo pfp_err: Dim I As Integer If Right(strFPNew, 1) = "\" Then strFPNew = Left(strFPNew, Len(strFPNew) - 1) ''strip off trailing "\" I = Len(fp) - (InStr(LCase(fp), LCase(strMatch)) + Len(strMatch)) If I < 0 Then ''strfpnew is in root of new folder'' pFP = strFPNew Else pFP = strFPNew & "\" & Right(fp, I) End If Exit Function pfp_err: pFP = "Err" End Function Function FolderBuild(ByVal fp As String, ByRef fso As FileSystemObject) As Folder ''creates folder if it doesn't exist Dim strXpath As String Dim x, I If fso.FileExists(fp) Then ''Use File to get folders fp = fso.GetFile(fp).ParentFolder.Name ''get folder name End If If fso.FolderExists(fp) Then ''as folder - Set FolderBuild = fso.GetFolder(fp) ''get folder and return Exit Function ''Exit funciton with folder set End If If Left(fp, 1) = vbqt Then fp = Right(fp, Len(fp) - 1) If Right(fp, 1) = vbqt Then fp = Left(fp, Len(fp) - 1) x = Split(fp, "\") ''Split to rebuild path ''otherwise we need to create the subfolders one by one strXpath = x(0) ''''''''''''''''Create subfolderrs'''''''''''''''''''' For I = 1 To UBound(x) strXpath = strXpath & "\" & x(I) ''build next segment of folder path If Not fso.FolderExists(strXpath) Then ''incrementally make filepath fso.CreateFolder strXpath ''folder didn't exist End If Next I Set FolderBuild = fso.GetFolder(strXpath) End Function Sub SetMeta() Dim objShell As New Shell32.Shell ''Microsoft Shell Controls and Automation Dim objFolder ''As Folder Dim objFile '' ''Set objshell = CreateObject("Shell.Application") Set objFolder = objShell.Namespace("I:\Temp\Studio ID Tools\Revit Library\2023 Initiatives\Families Downloaded from Mfr") Set objFile = objFolder.ParseName("Catalog - Acoustics.0003.rvt") '' Add custom property objFile.ExtendedProperty("IN") = "Catalog" '' Save changes objFolder.Items.InvokeVerb ("Apply Properties") End Sub


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