Microsoft Windows Task Manager launch application with a higher priority (as a single command, No BAT file required)

My task manager didn't support the "Start" command, and I wanted to launch an r priority as it was lagging all the time. After searching I eventually figured out to launch a 

CMD.exe (%comspec%) 

with a command (/C), which then made "start" accessible...

I used "start" minimized (/MIN) with a "Timesheets" title. It just flashes then opens excel with the specified file (This is one continuous line below separated by breaks to make it more readable. this should all be on one line!)

%comspec% /C start /MIN "Timesheets" /abovenormal "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\EXCEL.EXE" "...\TimeLogs\current.xlsb"


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