Outlook Consolidate Availability for CC and FROM addresses into fixed width table

User Availability

  MultiUse = -
1  'True
Attribute VB_Name = "UserAvailability"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
' Class Module: UserAvailability
Option Explicit

Private pEmail As String
Private pTimeZone As Outlook.TimeZone 'As String
Private pDays As Collection
'Private pWorkdayStart As Date          ''Currently NO WAY to get work day start or end...Guess with busy/free
'Private pWorkdayEnd As Date

'Public Property Get WorkdayStart() As Date
'    WorkdayStart = pWorkdayStart
'End Property
'Public Property Let WorkdayStart(Value As Date)
'    pWorkdayStart = Value
'End Property
'Public Property Get WorkdayEnd() As Date
'    WorkdayEnd = pWorkdayEnd
'End Property
'Public Property Let WorkdayEnd(Value As Date)
'    pWorkdayEnd = Value
'End Property

Public Property Get Email() As String
    Email = pEmail
End Property

Public Property Let Email(Value As String)
    pEmail = Value
End Property

Public Property Get TimeZone() As Outlook.TimeZone
    TimeZone = pTimeZone
End Property

Public Property Let TimeZone(Value As Outlook.TimeZone)
    pTimeZone = Value
End Property

Public Property Get Days() As Collection
    Set Days = pDays
End Property

Public Sub InitializeDays(StartDate As Date, EndDate As Date)
    Dim d As Date
    Set pDays = New Collection
    For d = StartDate To EndDate
        Dim dayAvail As DayAvailability
        Set dayAvail = New DayAvailability
        dayAvail.DateValue = d ' Use DateValue instead of Date
        pDays.Add dayAvail
    Next d
End Sub

Quarter Hour Slots
  MultiUse = -
1  'True
Attribute VB_Name = "QuarterHourSlot"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
' Class Module: QuarterHourSlot
Private pStatus As String * 1

Public Property Get Status() As String
    Status = pStatus
End Property

Public Property Let Status(Value As String)
    pStatus = Value
End Property

Daily Availability
  MultiUse = -
1  'True
Attribute VB_Name = "DayAvailability"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
' Class Module: DayAvailability
Option Explicit

Private pDateValue As Date
Private pSlots() As QuarterHourSlot

Public Property Get DateValue() As Date
    DateValue = pDateValue
End Property

Public Property Let DateValue(Value As Date)
    pDateValue = Value
End Property

Public Sub InitializeSlots()
Dim i As Integer
ReDim pSlots(0 To 95) ' 96 quarter-hour slots in a day
    For i = 0 To 95
Set pSlots(i) = New QuarterHourSlot
        pSlots(i).Status =
"*" ' Default status
    Next i
End Sub

Public Property Get Slot(ByVal Index As Integer) As QuarterHourSlot
Set Slot = pSlots(Index)
End Property

Main Module otlCalendar

Attribute VB_Name = "otlCalendarv5_Classes_FreeBusy"
Option Explicit
' In a standard module
Type TimeZoneInfo
As String
As Integer
End Type
Sub AAAA_GetUserAndCC_Availability()
Dim OutlookApp As Outlook.Application
Dim Namespace As Outlook.Namespace
Dim Recipient As Outlook.Recipient
Dim StartDate As Date, EndDate As Date
Dim CurrentMail As Outlook.MailItem
Dim CurrentUser As Outlook.AddressEntry
Dim CurrentUserEmail As String
Dim AllEmails As String
Dim UserEmails() As String
Dim UserCount As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim Users As Collection
Dim UserTimeZones() As String
Dim UserWorkStart() As Date
Dim UserWorkEnd() As Date
Dim elapsed As Date
    elapsed =
Date + Time
' Initialize Outlook application
    Set OutlookApp = New Outlook.Application
Set Namespace = OutlookApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")

' Define the time range to check for availability
    StartDate = Now
    EndDate = DateAdd(
"d", 7, StartDate)

' Get the current active email
    On Error Resume Next
Set CurrentMail = OutlookApp.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem
On Error GoTo 0

If CurrentMail Is Nothing Or CurrentMail.cc = "" Then
"Please open an email with CC's to search for the calendar openings.", vbExclamation
Exit Sub
End If

' Get the current user's email
    Set CurrentUser = OutlookApp.Session.CurrentUser.AddressEntry
    CurrentUserEmail = GetSMTPAddress_From_AddressEntry(CurrentUser)

' Get email addresses from the CC field
    Dim otlAddr As Recipient
Dim ccRecipients As String
    ccRecipients =
For Each otlAddr In CurrentMail.Recipients
If otlAddr.Type = olCC Then
            ccRecipients = ccRecipients & GetSMTPAddress_From_AddressEntry(otlAddr.AddressEntry) &
End If
Next otlAddr

' Check if there are no CC recipients
    If Len(ccRecipients) = 0 Then
"No CC recipients found. Please ensure there are CC recipients in the email.", vbExclamation
Exit Sub
End If

' Combine CC recipients and current user's email
    AllEmails = ccRecipients & CurrentUserEmail

' Split the combined string into a String array
    UserEmails = Split(AllEmails, ";")
    UserCount = UBound(UserEmails) +

' Initialize collection for users
    Set Users = New Collection
'ReDim UserTimeZones(1 To UserCount)
    'ReDim UserWorkStart(1 To UserCount)
    'ReDim UserWorkEnd(1 To UserCount)

' Populate user data
    For i = 1 To UserCount
Dim userAvail As UserAvailability
Set userAvail = New UserAvailability
With userAvail
            .Email = Trim(UserEmails(i -
            .InitializeDays StartDate, EndDate
End With
        Users.Add userAvail

' Resolve recipient and get free/busy data
        Set Recipient = Namespace.CreateRecipient(userAvail.Email)
If Recipient.Resolve Then
' Get user working hours and time zone from free/busy information
            ''Call GetUserWorkingHoursFromFreeBusy(Recipient, UserWorkStart(i), UserWorkEnd(i), UserTimeZones(i))
With userAvail
                .TimeZone = Recipient.Application.TimeZones.CurrentTimeZone
                '.WorkdayStart = UserWorkStart(i)
                '.WorkdayEnd = UserWorkEnd(i)
            End With
' Populate user's availability
            Call PopulateUserAvailability(userAvail, Namespace.GetSharedDefaultFolder(Recipient, olFolderCalendar).Items, StartDate, EndDate)
"Outlook does not recognize the name: " & userAvail.Email, vbExclamation
End If
Next i

' Adjust user availability for work hours
    AdjustUsersForWorkHours Users, UserWorkStart, UserWorkEnd

' Display the availability matrix
    DisplayUserAvailability Users
    Debug.Print ((
Date + Time) - elapsed) * 24 * 60 * 60
End Sub

Private Sub GetUserWorkingHoursFromFreeBusy(Recipient As Outlook.Recipient, ByRef WorkStart As Date, ByRef WorkEnd As Date, ByRef TimeZone As Outlook.TimeZone)
Dim ns As Outlook.Namespace
Dim FreeBusyInfo As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim busySlots As Integer
Dim currentHour As Date
' Default working hours and time zone
    WorkStart = TimeValue("09:00 AM")
    WorkEnd = TimeValue(
"05:00 PM")
    TimeZone = Application.TimeZones.Item(
' Get the current session's namespace
    Set ns = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
' Get the free/busy information for the recipient
    FreeBusyInfo = Recipient.FreeBusy(Start:=Now, MinPerChar:=60, CompleteFormat:=True)
' Analyze free/busy info to determine typical working hours
    busySlots = 0
    currentHour = TimeValue(
"12:00 AM")
For i = 1 To Len(FreeBusyInfo)
If Mid(FreeBusyInfo, i, 1) <> "0" Then
            busySlots = busySlots +
If busySlots = 1 Then
                WorkStart = currentHour
End If
            WorkEnd = currentHour + TimeSerial(
1, 0, 0)
End If
        currentHour = currentHour + TimeSerial(
1, 0, 0)
Next i
' Assuming UTC for simplicity. You might need to adjust this to match your organization's settings.
    TimeZone = Recipient.Application.TimeZones.CurrentTimeZone.name ''"UTC"
End Sub

Private Sub PopulateUserAvailability(user As UserAvailability, CalendarItems As Outlook.Items, ByVal StartDate As Date, ByVal EndDate As Date)
Dim CalendarItem As Outlook.AppointmentItem
Dim SlotStart As Date, SlotEnd As Date
Dim Interval As Date
Dim TotalDays As Long
Dim DayIndex As Long
Dim SlotIndex As Long

    TotalDays = EndDate - StartDate
    Interval =
15 / 1440 ' 15 minutes interval

' Mark slots with busy statuses
    For Each CalendarItem In CalendarItems
        SlotStart = CalendarItem.Start
        SlotEnd = CalendarItem.End

If SlotStart < StartDate Then SlotStart = StartDate
If SlotEnd > EndDate Then SlotEnd = EndDate

Do While SlotStart < SlotEnd
            DayIndex = SlotStart - StartDate +
            SlotIndex = (SlotStart - Int(SlotStart)) *
24 * 4
If DayIndex >= 1 And DayIndex <= TotalDays Then
If SlotIndex >= 0 And SlotIndex < 96 Then
If CalendarItem.BusyStatus = olBusy Then
                        user.Days(DayIndex).Slot(SlotIndex).Status =
ElseIf CalendarItem.BusyStatus = olTentative Then
                        user.Days(DayIndex).Slot(SlotIndex).Status =
ElseIf CalendarItem.BusyStatus = olOutOfOffice Then
                        user.Days(DayIndex).Slot(SlotIndex).Status =
ElseIf CalendarItem.BusyStatus = olWorkingElsewhere Then
                        user.Days(DayIndex).Slot(SlotIndex).Status =
                        user.Days(DayIndex).Slot(SlotIndex).Status =
End If
End If
End If
            SlotStart = SlotStart + Interval
Next CalendarItem
End Sub

Private Sub AdjustUsersForWorkHours(Users As Collection, ByRef UserWorkStart() As Date, ByRef UserWorkEnd() As Date)
Dim EarliestStart As Date
Dim LatestEnd As Date
Dim user As UserAvailability
Dim Day As DayAvailability
Dim SlotIndex As Long

    EarliestStart = TimeValue(
    LatestEnd = TimeValue(

' Determine the earliest start and latest end times
    Dim i As Long
'For i = 1 To Users.Count
    '    If UserWorkStart(i) < EarliestStart Then EarliestStart = UserWorkStart(i) ''Cannot retrieve user start/end workday info
    '    If UserWorkEnd(i) > LatestEnd Then LatestEnd = UserWorkEnd(i)
    'Next i

' Adjust each user's day availability to exclude times outside all users' work hours
    For Each user In Users
For Each Day In user.Days
Dim StartSlot As Long
Dim EndSlot As Long

            StartSlot = (EarliestStart - Int(EarliestStart)) *
24 * 4
            EndSlot = (LatestEnd - Int(LatestEnd)) *
24 * 4

For SlotIndex = 0 To 95
If SlotIndex < StartSlot Or SlotIndex >= EndSlot Then
                    Day.Slot(SlotIndex).Status =
End If
Next SlotIndex
Next Day
Next user
End Sub
Private Sub DisplayUserAvailability(Users As Collection)
Dim Output As String
Dim user As UserAvailability
Dim Day As DayAvailability
Dim SlotIndex As Long
Dim longest As Integer
Dim StartDate As Date
Dim TotalDays As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim TimeZones(0 To 4) As TimeZoneInfo
Dim tzIndex As Integer
Dim tzOffset As Integer
Dim ND As Integer       ' Next day offset
    Dim curTZ As Integer    ''current timezone relative offset till we get the timezones sorted out....

' Time zones and their offsets from UTC
    TimeZones(0).Code = "UTC": TimeZones(0).Offset = 0
1).Code = "EST": TimeZones(1).Offset = -5
2).Code = "CST": TimeZones(2).Offset = -6
3).Code = "MST": TimeZones(3).Offset = -7
4).Code = "PST": TimeZones(4).Offset = -8

' Find the longest email length
    For Each user In Users
If Len(user.Email) > longest Then longest = Len(user.Email)
Next user

If longest < 15 Then longest = 15 ' Ensure minimum length for UTC label

' Get the start date and total number of days from the first user (assuming all users have the same date range)
    StartDate = Users(1).Days(1).DateValue
    TotalDays = Users(
Dim strTZ As String, t As String
    strTZ = Application.TimeZones.CurrentTimeZone.name
    t =
Mid(strTZ, 6, 5)
    curTZ =
CInt(TimeValue(t) * 24)
If Mid(strTZ, 5, 1) = "-" Then
        curTZ = -curTZ
End If

' Generate time header for different time zones
    For tzIndex = LBound(TimeZones) To UBound(TimeZones)
        Output = Output & Right(
String(longest, " ") & "TimeOfDay " & TimeZones(tzIndex).Code & ": ", longest + 2)
        tzOffset = TimeZones(tzIndex).Offset
' Adjust for timezone offsets
        If tzOffset - curTZ < 0 Then tzOffset = tzOffset + 24
' Loop through 24 hours in a day
        For SlotIndex = tzOffset - curTZ To tzOffset - curTZ + 23       ''one day
            ' Calculate the adjusted hour considering the timezone offset
            Dim adjustedHour As Integer
            adjustedHour = (SlotIndex)
Mod 24
            Output = Output & Format(adjustedHour,
"00") & "-- "
Next SlotIndex
        Output = Output & vbCrLf
Next tzIndex

' Print each user's availability
    For Each user In Users
        Output = Output & Right(
String(longest, " ") & user.Email, longest) & vbCrLf
For i = 1 To TotalDays
Set Day = user.Days(i)
            Output = Output & Right(
String(longest, " ") & Format(Day.DateValue, "yyyy-mm-dd"), longest) & ": "
For SlotIndex = 0 To 95
Select Case SlotIndex Mod 4
Case 3  ''last before next hour - add space
                        Output = Output & LCase(Day.Slot(SlotIndex).Status) & " "              ''add space on hour
                    Case 0  ''new hour
                        Output = Output & UCase(Day.Slot(SlotIndex).Status)
Case Else ''any other quarter hour
                        Output = Output & LCase(Day.Slot(SlotIndex).Status)
End Select
Next SlotIndex
            Output = Output & vbCrLf
Next i
Next user

    Debug.Print Output
End Sub


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