FW: BIM Buzz

Pretty good site for buzzwords- here are the ones I have run across the most:

Industry Foundation Classes, is a data exchange method that specifies elements that are used in building construction in an agreed manner that define a common language for construction.  IFCs provide a foundation for the exchange and sharing of information directly between software applications of a shared building project model. The IFC data model is a neutral and open specification that is not controlled by a single vendor or group of vendors. It is an object oriented file format to facilitate interoperability in the building industry, and is a commonly used format for BIM.  The format is known as ifcXML. ifcXML2x3 (current version) is currently supported by Autodesk, Graphisoft, Nemestchek and Bentley. http://www.iai-international.org/


Construction-Operations Building Information Exchange is a standard way to manage information from a BIM model that is essential to support the operations, maintenance, and management of the facilities by the owner and/or property manager. The COBIE approach is to enter the data as it is created during design, construction, and commissioning.  Designers provide floor, space, and equipment layouts. Contractors provide make, model, and serial numbers of installed equipment.  Much of the data provided by contractors comes directly from product manufacturers who also participate in COBIE.

buildingSMART Alliance operates within the independent nonprofit National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS). This public/private initiative expands on goals of the North American Chapter of the International Alliance for Interoperability (IAI-NA), whose Industry Foundation Classes (IFCs) have initiated open standards for national and international links among industry players. It provides developers and users of Building Information Models (BIMs), the digital tools that are increasingly helping to share highly accurate information throughout a facility's life cycle. http://www.buildingsmartalliance.org/

Integrated Project Delivery, a new project workflow method and supporting contracts developed by the AIA and ConsensusDocs, which leverages early contributions of knowledge and expertise through the utilization of new technologies, allowing all team members to better realize their highest potentials while expanding the value they provide throughout the project life cycle.  IPD avoids the realization phase challenges by allowing project data to be analyzed and understood prior to construction.

National CAD Standard - a US government sponsored standard that coordinates the efforts of the entire industry by classifying electronic building design data consistently allowing streamlined communication for the industry. http://www.buildingsmartalliance.org/

National Institute of Building Sciences, a United States Government organization that serves as an interface between government and the private sector. The Institute's public interest mission is to serve the Nation by supporting advances in building science and technology to improve the built environment.  This organization leads the buildingSMART Alliance, National Building Information Model Standard (NBIMS) and National CAD Standard (NCS) programs. http://www.nibs.org/

National Building Information Modeling Standards, exists to provide a National BIM Standard to improve the performance of facilities over their full life-cycle by fostering common and open standards and an integrated life-cycle information model for the A/E/C & FM industry. The efforts of this program continue that of the FIC which was integrated into NBIMS in 2008. www.buildingsmartalliance.org/nbims

OmniClass Construction Classification System, a new classification system for the construction industry.  OmniClass is useful for many applications, from organizing library materials, product literature, and project information, to providing a classification structure for electronic databases.  It incorporates other existing systems currently in use as the basis of many of its Tables "MasterFormat" for work results, UniFormat for elements, and EPIC (Electronic Product Information Cooperation) for structuring products. http://www.omniclass.org/

UNIFORMAT - Uniform Classification System, is a system for organizing preliminary construction information into a standard order or sequence on the basis of functional elements. Functional elements often referred to as systems or assemblies, are major components common to most buildings that usually perform a given function regardless of the design specification, construction method, or materials used.  UniFormat users can easily understand and compare information since it is linked to a standardized elemental classification structure. The use of UniFormat can provide consistent comparable data across an entire building life cycle. The use of UniFormat's elemental framework reduces the time and cost of evaluating alternatives in the early design stages of a project, assuring faster and more accurate economic analysis of alternative design decisions. http://www.csinet.org/

WBDG - Whole Building Design Guide is an online gateway for up-to-date information on integrated Whole Building design techniques and technologies, providing news and informational resources such as the JBIM, Journal of Building Information Modeling. http://www.wbdg.org/

XML - Extensible Markup Language is a general-purpose specification for creating custom markup languages for computer software.  It is classified as an extensible language because it allows the user to define the mark-up elements.  XML's purpose is to aid information systems in sharing structured data, to encode documents, and to serialize data.

gbXML - Green Building XML is an [xml] file format standard that allows one energy analysis program to 'talk to' or interoperate with another.


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