I Really like CTC's Revit 

The platform is stable, did not flake, at all.  Revit did crash on mass drag-n-drop of the 198 families (But that was Revit 2016 UR5 R2). Closest issue was reporting an error message when the folder of families was set to read only… reported "Revit has this file open" when it was a read only issue in processing a folder of 198 families.

These tools adding parameters, then group adding parameters to the project to the Specialty Equipment and the parameter merge tools, and supplant options or transfer values from existing parameters  in the family processor would be largely useful and  critical to getting parameters in for standardization of CORE Revit Content.

I haven't found a parameter gathering tool like RTV's, but I believe I have seen it in there. There is a need to comb over an entire set of families, select parameters to swap out, strip out materials, etc. Set up formulas and values over entire folders and sub-folders of content.

There is also a 'Parameter Jammer' Which is a one-off way to add parameters to families that aren't behaving in schedules. It was intended for intermediate users but is quite straight forward in its application, and very effective for pushing parameters.

Overall great piece of software for BIM Managers, and probably would make a great addition to Revit with their 'day-to-day' tools.

I see the "BIM List browser" Listed in the'free' section. I suspect a cost with the server side- but this is CTC's core utility for managing content, dragging and dropping from their content window to the project for adding content. Schedules, families, views, you name it - it imports it from a filterable master database.

Should definitely consider this for CORE utilities - possible option to RTV, cost is a factor for consideration.


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