
Store all UNMODIFIED AutoCAD backgrounds, PDFs to/from the particular consultant here in dated subfolders. EG: (.\Structural\ARCHIVE\)

Store all MODIFIED and RENAMED background/link files in the top-level consultant folder. EG: (.\Structural\)

YYYY-MM-DD-(brief description of transmittal)

NONE- store ALL files in dated subfolders - see folder naming above.

PROCEDURE for DOWNLOADING or preparation for UPLOADING content from/for a consultant:

Browse to the consultant folder
Browse to the  Archive sub-folder
Create a dated folder YYYY-MM-DD-[DOWNLOAD or UPLOAD]-[Brief_title/description]  for the DATE THE FILE WAS PROVIDED BY OR SENT BY THE CONSULTANT

Copying a file takes a few seconds- uploading/downloading takes minuites. Saving to archive folders saves time and allows team members to work with minimal interruption.
.\ Structural\ARCHIVE\2011-05-03-STRUCTURAL_UPDATE\
Browse to the new dated folder and save the files in the folder.
  •  Make the files/folder/subfolders read-only(right-click, folder properties and set to read only)
  • Then Clean up the files by opening each file and
    • strip unwanted sheets, layers, links, views, paper space objects, etc.
    • NOTE: Some sheets and views may want to be retained for linking into Revit.
    • Purge
"SAVE AS" to Update the files in the consultant's top-level folder, do not overwrite the archive files.
Name the file by following Client or VOA/National Cad Standards Uniform Drawing System naming conventions for the project. 

This "SAVE AS" file is the one used as a reference for linking into AutoCAD or Revit.
Notify the team which files have been updated or created

NOTE: The ARCHIVE\Dated folder version remains intact  as a record of transmittal. Do not modify these files.
Set the

Based on files from a Structural consultant Subfolders (& Sample content):
  • 07798767GridFile.dwg (Sample structural named and provided GRID file)
  • 07798767FirstFloor.dwg (Sample structural named and provided first floor & Roof file)
  • 07798767Revit.dwg (Sample structural named and provided Revit file with everything inside it )
  • 07798767GridFile-new.dwg (Sample structural named and provided GRID file)
  • 07798767FirstFloor-2010-10-31.dwg (Sample structural named and provided first floor & Roof file)
  • 07798767Revit.dwg (Sample structural named and provided Revit file with everything inside it )


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